Dear friends,
Those who know of the news happening in India will know that there has been severe flooding in Andhra Pradesh. Many people have been killed and crops have been destroyed. This has created a desperate situation for many people, Christians and Hindus alike. Adam Sandipudi is in a position to help but only lacks the funds to do so.
For $25.00 we can provide a whole family with food, clothing, blankets, and a Bible in their language. Let's set a goal of trying to reach 100 families. Nothing is impossible for God.
Our family has given $50.00 so far. Please pray about how many families you may be able to help during this time. Adam will be taking pictures for me of the supplies, flooding, and famlies being helped. I will post them as soon as I have them.
In Christ,
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Prayer request
It is time for my work with Dayspring Children's Home to taken two steps, the Lord willing.
1. To establish either through my local Church or other ways, the ability for US based giving to happen in the United States through a non-profit organization. Right now we give directly to Dayspring via Western Union. Since a church is typically a 501c3 corp. monies could be recieved there and forwarded, or this ministry establishes a new 501c3 and establishes a board of trustees.
2. I really need to go and visit India. I have been supporting this work for over 3 years and it is time for me to go. I would especially like a small team to go with, at least one or two. Please pray about this.
1. To establish either through my local Church or other ways, the ability for US based giving to happen in the United States through a non-profit organization. Right now we give directly to Dayspring via Western Union. Since a church is typically a 501c3 corp. monies could be recieved there and forwarded, or this ministry establishes a new 501c3 and establishes a board of trustees.
2. I really need to go and visit India. I have been supporting this work for over 3 years and it is time for me to go. I would especially like a small team to go with, at least one or two. Please pray about this.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Missionary Work
Adam reports concerning the missionary work this last week was a tremendous work. He has counted some 200 souls recieving the Lord Jesus as savior. Adam and many of the pastors/gospel workers will spend the next several weeks and months in follow-up with each one of them.
Pray that their commitment to the Lord Jesus will remain strong and each one will find a local church to join. Some of the people have no Christian church in their village. Please pray the Lord of the harvest will raise up laborers to go work in the harvest for His glory.
I should have pictures of this time in the next several days.
Pray that their commitment to the Lord Jesus will remain strong and each one will find a local church to join. Some of the people have no Christian church in their village. Please pray the Lord of the harvest will raise up laborers to go work in the harvest for His glory.
I should have pictures of this time in the next several days.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Praise the Lord. Permission was granted for the public preaching of the Gospel by an American missionary who will be arriving at Dayspring this weekend. They have full permissions, venue, loud speaker, et. This is a great blessing and many will come out to hear the Gospel preached.
Also, there has been recent storms and flooding that have destroyed some pastor's houses and belongings. They came to Dayspring for help but Adam did not have much in hand to give. Please pray the Lord will provide for the many needs of the pastors orphans and widows.
Also, there has been recent storms and flooding that have destroyed some pastor's houses and belongings. They came to Dayspring for help but Adam did not have much in hand to give. Please pray the Lord will provide for the many needs of the pastors orphans and widows.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Public Meetings
At the moment, public meetings are scheduled for October 11-13th. Please pray there is no resistance from the government or anti-christians against this that the Gospel may be publically proclaimed with all freedom.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Prayer requests
A few prayer requests:
-Pray for the upcoming missionaries from the US that will be at Dayspring within a week. So far there is liberty to preach the Gospel publically. Please pray this continues.
-Please remember to pray for the many needs of a large school and orphanage as this one. There are always many needs.
-Pray for the work of the Gospel to continue and protection for the pastors who take the Gospel to villages as they face many trials and persecutions.
-Pray for the upcoming missionaries from the US that will be at Dayspring within a week. So far there is liberty to preach the Gospel publically. Please pray this continues.
-Please remember to pray for the many needs of a large school and orphanage as this one. There are always many needs.
-Pray for the work of the Gospel to continue and protection for the pastors who take the Gospel to villages as they face many trials and persecutions.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
On Sept. 5, Hindu extremists in Andhra Pradesh, India, destroyed a church building in Patagunta village, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts.
The following day, the extremists filed charges against two pastors and three members of the church, alleging that the Christians had destroyed local temples and Hindu idols. Police arrested all five believers the same day. Pray that these five Christians will have the opportunity to share their faith, even in chains, and pray that they will be released soon. Pray that those behind this injustice will repent of their actions and come to embrace Christ as Lord and Savior.
Reported from Voice of the Martyrs
The following day, the extremists filed charges against two pastors and three members of the church, alleging that the Christians had destroyed local temples and Hindu idols. Police arrested all five believers the same day. Pray that these five Christians will have the opportunity to share their faith, even in chains, and pray that they will be released soon. Pray that those behind this injustice will repent of their actions and come to embrace Christ as Lord and Savior.
Reported from Voice of the Martyrs
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Prayer request
I just spoke with Adam Sandepudi who requested prayers for a missionary team coming to visit Dayspring in early October. They desire is to preach the Gospel openly to the public. Adam is seeking permission for this and has asked for prayer that they find favor in being allowed to do so. Generally this is not permitted to foreigners.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Prayer Points
A few prayer requests:
1. Many gospel workers have been impacted by the flood there. Please pray for their safety and provision.
2. One orphan was struck by a motor bike. The child is ok. Pray for speedy recovery.
3. Pray for the provisions needs to care for over 100 orphans.
1. Many gospel workers have been impacted by the flood there. Please pray for their safety and provision.
2. One orphan was struck by a motor bike. The child is ok. Pray for speedy recovery.
3. Pray for the provisions needs to care for over 100 orphans.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Remember Adam and the work there
Please keep Adam and the work of Dayspring in your prayers. They are in constant need of supplies. They are victorious in Christ Jesus. Adam reported of much good fruit from a recent visit from a Korean mission group from a seminary. Praise the Lord for this wonderful work. There are reports of many turning to Christ Jesus and believing in Him.
Update on my trip: I am temporarily putting the trip this year on hold. We are rejoicing that my wife is pregnant with our 7th child, but I feel compelled to be here with her. I am praying that there may be a way yet that I can get to India to spend time with Adam and help build a stronger US support base for this work. There is much that can be done to help them. Consider how you might get involved.
We need:
1. Prayer teams committed to pray for this work
2. Regular financial supporters
3. Theological education for pastors, English preferrably as it can be translated by Adam.
4. People willing to go to India to spend time with them, learn from them, and encourage them in the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts for India.
Update on my trip: I am temporarily putting the trip this year on hold. We are rejoicing that my wife is pregnant with our 7th child, but I feel compelled to be here with her. I am praying that there may be a way yet that I can get to India to spend time with Adam and help build a stronger US support base for this work. There is much that can be done to help them. Consider how you might get involved.
We need:
1. Prayer teams committed to pray for this work
2. Regular financial supporters
3. Theological education for pastors, English preferrably as it can be translated by Adam.
4. People willing to go to India to spend time with them, learn from them, and encourage them in the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts for India.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Prayer Request from Adam
I received the following prayer request from Adam:
Please pray for God's action in the matter and that God will give wisdom and peace to the Christians as they work their labor of love in Christ Jesus in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.
Your servant,
Dear loving brother Geoff, most precious sister Kathryn & blessed children,
Greetings to you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today I have solmnized a Christian marriage in a new area. I got good
time to share the gospel to many people there. Praise the Lord for
that great time of sharing.
I have a special news to request your prayer help. There is a small
church some close to our orphanage. It is there for more than 20
years. This prayer hall is actually on public property where several
muslims are residing. These muslims once were very poor and slowly
picked up some. It is very sad that they have started to build a
mosque just 5 yards distance to the prayer hall. It is sure they will
put on the mike horns and make sounds of their songs and namaaz three
times a daily. It will be a very big disturbance to the worship and
prayer meetings. May be some serious dispute would arise in this
matter. Please kindly pray in this matter.
We are all praying for your preparations to visit India.
Thanking you.
Yours in Christ,
Please pray for God's action in the matter and that God will give wisdom and peace to the Christians as they work their labor of love in Christ Jesus in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.
Your servant,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Needs Update
There are, as with many works like this, many needs. The most pressing needs now are:
1. Monthly sponsorship for the orphans. There are 150 orphans at present at Dayspring where only half have the support needed to feed, clothe, and educate them. It costs approximately $25/month to support one child completely. Would you consider supporting a child at Dayspring?
2. Roof repair. Several years back a roof was damaged at Dayspring limiting the living space for the children. This not only results in more congested living quarters, making sleeping miserable, but also in the spread of sickness and disease, making living most grievous. These pictures show both the roof that needs repair and the living conditions of the children.
3. Relief for the persecuted. Often, Christians come to Dayspring seeking help after suffering persecution. They may be in need of medical care, food, clothing, or the services of the orphanage. Please pray for the persecuted Christians in India. Most recently, persecution has increased and Adam has had many visits from Christians in Orissa. There is estimated some 40 children who have been orphaned as a result, but Dayspring is struggling to support what they have let alone take new children.
Above all things pray for these children and pray for the work of the Gospel there in India. Pray that the message of Jesus Christ would reach many people and that God would open their hearts to give heed to the things spoken by those sent to bring the good news of Jesus Christ.
Your brother in Christ,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Persecution continues in India
Please remember to pray for your Indian brethren in India. This ministry is dedicated to helping the orphans and the ministry of the Gospel in India. Serious persecution of Christians contunes to this day in India from the Hindus leaving many Christian families homeless, hungry, poorly clothed, and in many cases, have left children orphaned.
Dayspring Children's Home in Andhra Pradesh has been helping Christians from the Orissa State with food and clothing and has a standing request to receive some 40 orphans into their fold. Sadly, Dayspring is struggling to look after the 150 orphans they currently have, and because of a broken roof and lack of support, cannot take them at this time.
Brethren, now is the time to lift up our eyes and look upon the suffering of our brethren throughout the world and lend our help both in prayers and giving. There are several ways you and I can help these Christians and orphans:
1. Commit yourself and/or your small group or church to pray for them.
2. Keep informed about what is happening in India through this blogsite and others like it.
3. Make a committment to help one orphan at $25/month. This covers everything that child needs for food, clothing, shelter and education.
4. Make a one-time gift for the support of the children.
5. Go to India and encourage them in Christ Jesus.
6. Request a visit from me, or someone involved with mission work to India to speak to your group.
Please remember to pray for your Indian brethren in India. This ministry is dedicated to helping the orphans and the ministry of the Gospel in India. Serious persecution of Christians contunes to this day in India from the Hindus leaving many Christian families homeless, hungry, poorly clothed, and in many cases, have left children orphaned.
Dayspring Children's Home in Andhra Pradesh has been helping Christians from the Orissa State with food and clothing and has a standing request to receive some 40 orphans into their fold. Sadly, Dayspring is struggling to look after the 150 orphans they currently have, and because of a broken roof and lack of support, cannot take them at this time.
Brethren, now is the time to lift up our eyes and look upon the suffering of our brethren throughout the world and lend our help both in prayers and giving. There are several ways you and I can help these Christians and orphans:
1. Commit yourself and/or your small group or church to pray for them.
2. Keep informed about what is happening in India through this blogsite and others like it.
3. Make a committment to help one orphan at $25/month. This covers everything that child needs for food, clothing, shelter and education.
4. Make a one-time gift for the support of the children.
5. Go to India and encourage them in Christ Jesus.
6. Request a visit from me, or someone involved with mission work to India to speak to your group.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Loneliness of the Christian

Man - The Dwelling Place of God, Chapter 39: "The Saint Must Walk Alone" A.W. Tozer
The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well as from that of the unregenerate world. His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his absorption in the love of Christ; and because within his circle of friends there are so few who share his inner experiences he is forced to walk alone.
The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord Himself suffered in the same way.
The man [or woman] who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk. For this he earns the reputation of being dull and over-serious, so he is avoided and the gulf between him and society widens.
He searches for friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces, and finding few or none he, like Mary of old, keeps these things in his heart.
It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else."
The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well as from that of the unregenerate world. His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his absorption in the love of Christ; and because within his circle of friends there are so few who share his inner experiences he is forced to walk alone.
The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord Himself suffered in the same way.
The man [or woman] who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk. For this he earns the reputation of being dull and over-serious, so he is avoided and the gulf between him and society widens.
He searches for friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces, and finding few or none he, like Mary of old, keeps these things in his heart.
It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else."
Friday, June 25, 2010
Mission 2010
If the Lord wills, I make my plans to go to India (finally) in September of this year. Please pray God's will be done in this regard. I would spend 2 weeks there visiting with the orphans and widows, the gospel workers, and many young men. I would also have an opportunity to visit the Orissa State and visit with the Christians there who are suffering much under persecution.
I am at peace about going, and would like to take my wife with me, and we need wisdom in this as well. If you would like to help us go please contact me by phone or email. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I would like to go with a gift for the orphanage to supply their many needs, and also with gifts to help relieve the suffering of the Christians who have been persecuted.
Thank you for your prayers.
I am at peace about going, and would like to take my wife with me, and we need wisdom in this as well. If you would like to help us go please contact me by phone or email. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I would like to go with a gift for the orphanage to supply their many needs, and also with gifts to help relieve the suffering of the Christians who have been persecuted.
Thank you for your prayers.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friends of India Visit Dayspring in 2010
Please take a moment to watch the video taken by Friends of India who are a Hong Kong support ministry for Dayspring Children's Home.
Greetings. I lauched this blog several years back with the hope that it would serve as a portal to helping Dayspring Children's Home. Since that time our family has gone through many trials in America and as a result my updates to this site have stopped. But I am back!
The work at Dayspring Children's Home continues and I have remained in contact with Adam. I am back, once again, planning a trip this fall to visit the school as well as see the work of the Gospel that is taking place through the many Gospel workers there who carry the Gospel throughout the region.
I also expect to meet and witness, as well as video and photograph, the increase and intense persecution happening there at the hand of hindu priests. The Bible tells us to remember those who are chained as though we are chained with them. We must be partakers in our brothers sufferings where and when we can and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Please bookmark this site and check back often for updates. I will be posting shortly about a new wave of persecution that has broken out in the Orissa State that requires our immediate attention.
His servant,
Geoff F.
The work at Dayspring Children's Home continues and I have remained in contact with Adam. I am back, once again, planning a trip this fall to visit the school as well as see the work of the Gospel that is taking place through the many Gospel workers there who carry the Gospel throughout the region.
I also expect to meet and witness, as well as video and photograph, the increase and intense persecution happening there at the hand of hindu priests. The Bible tells us to remember those who are chained as though we are chained with them. We must be partakers in our brothers sufferings where and when we can and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Please bookmark this site and check back often for updates. I will be posting shortly about a new wave of persecution that has broken out in the Orissa State that requires our immediate attention.
His servant,
Geoff F.
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