Saturday, August 15, 2020

A worthy work

 The ministry and work of Dayspring Children’s Children Home is a good and worthy work of the Lord. My consistency in keeping up this blog, not so much! 

I have been in consistent communication with Adam. The children and widows and gospel workers are all doing well. They face many challenges with the COVID-19 lockdown. They have faced issues with rising costs for food and medicine. Most recently, heavy rains in the area have led to some sickness among the gospel workers. The Lord has provided for the medicines need to treat them. The brothers and sisters in Christ remain faithful to the Lord, their faith is strong, and they are always seeking ways to bring the good news of Jesus to those around them. As they have been restricted from travel, Adam reports that the children and believers are spending many hours a day in prayer. 

What a great testimony of the things the Lord is doing there. My heart and spirit remain with them. It is still my desire and prayer to find a way to visit them according to the will of God. 

Please remember them in prayer. 

Your brother,


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