Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Typhoon hits Andra Pradesh, Near the Children's Home

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus,

I am praying daily for this ministry and hoping that the Lord Jesus is bringing people to this little blog to learn more about Dayspring and get involved. If that is you, then you are here "for such a time as this."

You may have heard in the news that a Typhoon recently struck the eastern coast of India near the East Godavi area. This is very near where Dayspring Children's Home is located. I have been in email and phone contact with Adam and rejoiced to know that all the children are safe and there has been no damage to the orphanage. Praise the Lord. There is, however, much devastation in the area and many are coming to Dayspring for help.

The government is responding with some food packs and water yet there is still great need. By an act of Providence a recent financial gift through this ministry reached Adam's hands. Even on this very day the rupees are in his hands the funds are being used to help those suffering from lack of food and water where aid is not reaching them. Praise the Lord.

Please remember them in your prayers that provisions will reach the needy and that our Lord Jesus will use Dayspring to bless many more than we can hope or dream for.

Your brother and servant in Jesus,

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